How to remove oil from prefilled cartridge? We launched the oil recovery kit that is going to take care of a problem. Everybody who’s in oil vaporizers has encountered problem with removing oil from vape cartridge. Many times, during vaping your favorite prefilled tank suddenly it stops working. Or you’re vaping it down to where oil is no longer going into the orifice holes and you have a bunch of your valuable oil stuck at the bottom of the cartridge. Or your heater gives out or your disposable runs out of battery life, but you have a cartridge no longer functioning which still has some of your precious oil CBD e-juice terpenes. To remove oil from prefilled cartridge, broken or malfunctioning, we made it easy for you by launching our oil recovery kit. Our oil removal kit contains everything that you need to help get a non-functioning cartridge that still has valuable oil in it – out.

Remove oil from prefilled cartridge with Oil Recovery Kit.

The process of removing oil from the vape cartridge.

The process of removing oil from vape cartridge.

Everybody who is into vaping must have one of those Modern Day Vape Roaches – a bunch of vape cartridges that are like a quarter full or half full and not working laying around. Graveyards of non-working half-full cartridges and vape accessories with oil left.

We decide to make something to try to bring those non-working vape devices or the valuable contents in them back to life hence our oil recovery kit. We want to make it affordable and easy for you to remove oil from a prefilled cartridge, tank or broken jar.

The kit to remove oil from prefilled cartridge

The kit come in this real simple plastic container serving also like a nice tray to keep all your stuff organized. Also included are two filling syringes, four blunt tips, two syringe caps, and some VG PG solution, all very useful to remove oil from a prefilled cartridge or broken tank. Two medical grade plastic syringes that you can use for excavating or rejecting your oils. These syringes have a thread on them which let you screw your syringe blunt tip into, nice and firmly, to pull the oil out or to re-inject the oil. When you’re not using it and if you have any oils in them, you have these syringe caps right here. You’re going to use them to seal up your syringe to make sure that you have no leaking.

Four blunt tips with different lengths of syringe needles because you’re going to have different cartridges and different devices. You might have to get down either deeper into the device or you might need a skinnier device to work with because certain cartridges, for example, have a center post which doesn’t give you that much space along the edges so you might need a skinnier needle to fit down in there. With certain cartridges, you might have a thicker oil that you need a wider gauge needle just so that you can draw it out.

Different types of needle for removing oil from prefilled cartridges

Tools to remove oil from prefilled cartridge

A very thin gauge needle has a teal green color in our kit. It’s very thin and about an inch in length. The shaft here is about an inch long and it has a very thin opening. You’re not going to want to use this for any oils that are really thick. You would mainly want to use this for thinner terpenes or for very thin oils or for CBDs or even for a liquid if you have it trapped in a cartridge. Don’t use this for removing thicker oil from vape cartridge. You might be forced to use this if you have a very thin area between a cartridge and a center post to excavate your oils.

The gray blunt needle tip is slightly wider but the shaft here is only about half an inch. This is for slightly thicker oils or CBDs cartridges that aren’t very deep because when you get down inside the cartridge the oil is more than likely to be trapped around the bottom so this would be more for larger tanks that have very open areas. For vape tanks where you can put the whole needle down in there to excavate your oil and this is also a good needle tip that is used for dispensing oil so once you’ve recovered your oil from being able to shoot it back into your cartridge. Because it’s very small it’s very agile, you can point it down into places you don’t have to worry about using something that is longer and might be a bit clumsy. When you’re dispensing your oil you would use this needle for.