In recent years, the cannabis scene has witnessed a seismic shift with the rise of ‘dab weed’, a term that might sound alien to the uninitiated. But fret not, my friend, for I’m here to guide you through the misty alleys of this potent phenomenon. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or a curious newbie, understanding dab weed is essential in keeping up with the evolving landscape of cannabis consumption. So, let’s start with the basics, shall we?

What is Dab Weed?

Dab weed, often simply called ‘dab’, refers to concentrated doses of cannabis extract. These aren’t your grandpa’s joints or your garden-variety buds; we’re talking about a potent product obtained by extracting cannabinoids like THC and CBD using a solvent like butane or carbon dioxide. The result? A sticky oil often called wax, shatter, budder, and a few other whimsical names that hint at its texture and potency.

Types of Cannabis (Weed) Dabs

  • Shatter: True to its name, shatter boasts a glass-like consistency and can break or ‘shatter’ easily. Its translucent, amber hue is a sight to behold, and its purity makes it a heavyweight in the potency department.
  • Wax: Picture something that looks like, well, wax or earwax (but much more appealing, I promise). Wax is user-friendly, especially for dabbing newbies, thanks to its malleable consistency.
  • Budder: Imagine spreading a cannabis extract on your toast – that’s budder for you, with its creamy, butter-like texture. It’s made by vigorously whipping the extract during the purging process, resulting in a product that’s a breeze to work with.
  • Crumble: A tad drier than budder, crumble is your go-to if you fancy sprinkling a potent concentrate over your bowl or weaving it into your joint for that extra kick.
  • Rosin: Rosin is the clean, green machine of the dab world, extracted without solvents, relying solely on heat and pressure. This sap-like concentrate is a testament to the purity and simplicity of mother nature’s offerings.
  • Live Resin: Crafted from fresh, frozen flowers instead of dried ones, live resin captures the essence of the plant’s terpene profile, delivering a flavorful and aromatic experience unlike any other.
Types of Cannabis (Weed) Dabs

Weed Bongs vs Dab E Rigs

When it comes to consuming dabs, the Electric Dab Rig is the king. While classic glass bongs are the traditional choice for flower, Dab E Rigs are specifically designed for weed concentrates, and equipped with wax atomizers that can withstand high-temperature settings. Think of a Dab E Rig as a bong’s high-tech cousin, optimized for the unique characteristics of concentrates and casual usage.

What is a Dab Pen

In the realm of portability and discretion, the dab pen reigns supreme. These nifty devices are essentially vape pens that cater to dab concentrates, offering a hassle-free dabbing experience on the go. Compact and easy to use, dab pens are a godsend for those looking to enjoy their concentrates without the rigmarole of a full dab setup.

What is a Dab Pen? Its device equipped to vaporize dabs / concentrates.

How Much is a Dab Pen

The price of a dab pen can vary as widely as the strains of cannabis. At HoneyStick, you can find budget-friendly options that won’t break the bank, starting around $25, and high-end models that can cost upwards of $150, offering features like temperature control and longer battery life. Ultimately, the best dab pen for you depends on your preferences and how much you’re willing to invest in your dabbing journey.

How Much is a Dab Pen?

Closing Hits

Dabbing weed is a fascinating facet of cannabis culture, offering a potent, flavorful, and aromatic experience that’s hard to match. Whether you’re drawn to the artistry of Dab E Rigs or the convenience of Dab Pens, the world of concentrates is ripe for exploration. Just remember, with great potency comes great responsibility, so start low and go slow, especially if you’re new to the game.

Do you have any burning questions or tips you’d like to share about your dabbing experiences? Let us know, and let’s keep the conversation going! And, if you found this guide enlightening, don’t hesitate to share it with your fellow enthusiasts. Happy dabbing, folks!