THC Vape Oil is simply a thick concentrate / oil made up of cannabinoids including THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol, one of cannabinoids identified in cannabis) extracted and processed from the cannabis plant. The medical extraction of THC Oil process is very complex, intensive, and requires expensive equipment, not to mention high grade cannabis buds used for extraction. Alternatively, creating cannabis thc vape oil at home can be a relatively straightforward process and some people do make their own (we’ve covered this in previous post).

CBD Shatter or CBD (or Cannabidiol – constituent of cannabis) isolate is a substance extracted / isolated away from all the other cannabinoids of cannabis plant.
The extractor will isolate the CBD from the marijuana or hemp plant through whatever method they use, the CO2 extraction, Ethanol or even Olive Oil extraction method. The point is they can isolate certain cannabinoids they want to focus on, from the whole group of cannabis cannabinoids. CBD Shatter is just one type of these isolates, in the form of isolated crystals and with terpenes added. CBD Shatter is also used for vaping but will require specific type of vaporizer specifically designed CBD Shatter vape pen or wax/concentrate vaporizer.

The Best CBD Concentrate Vape Pen

Plasma The Best CBD Concentrate Vape Pen

The HoneyStick Plasma GQ – revolutionary CBD concentrates vape pen that we just launched. We’re really excited to launch this ultimate concentrate vape pen because it has really unique technology that has not yet been brought to pocket-sized wax vape pens so let’s run through some of the technical features of what really makes this cbd wax vape pen unique. It works with the CBDs crumbles or any waxy concentrates form of CBDs or THC you vape. The plasma GQ concentrates vape pen have wide bore mouthpiece on top of glass chamber. Heating element and Bowl on the inside does look a lot different from what you guys have seen on typical wax vape pens out there. In Plasma heating chamber the wax does not actually touch or interact with the coil heating element. A proprietary heating element sits directly below a quartz glass bowl and the quartz glass bowl is what your wax concentrates go into, and that actually gets super-heated so what happens is your concentrates don’t actually touch the coil avoiding a burn teste or a metallic taste bringing you the kind of taste of purity and the type of flavor that you can only get out of tabletop units which would be your traditional rig.

Cannabis Concentrate Types:

CBD Shatter Concentrate

CBD Shatter Concentrate

CBD Distillate Concentrate

CBD Distillate Concentrate

CBD Crumble Concentrate

CBD Crumble Concentrate

CBD Badder Concentrate

CBD Badder Concentrate

CBD Crystalline Concentrate

CBD Crystalline Concentrate

CBD Rosin Concentrate

CBD Rosin Concentrate

CBD Dry Sift Concentrate

CBD Dry Sift Concentrate

The Best THC Oil Vape Pen

Best CBD Oil Vape Pen - The Sub Ohm OG

Cannabis Cup winning The HoneyStick Sub-Ohm Original – the best oil vape pen, which a lot of people on the YouTube channel refer to as the OG Cannabis Cup Kit. The Sub-Ohm Original vape pen is right around $200 mark so this isn’t your regular budget kit, this is your luxury kit, but definitely vaping performance is superb. In terms of what you have available if you’re using 510 thread prefilled oil cartridges our Sub Ohm OG vape kit do have an ego adapter that you unscrew and just flip this over put it back onto your battery and you’re able to use pretty much any 510 thread oil vape tanks, prefilled oil cartridges or you can use and fill up any standard 510 oil cartridge with syringes or tinctures.